Accounting, Business, Tax, Ashdan Partners Pty Ltd , Kogarah, Australia
  • No one can climb the ladder of success with both hands in their pockets.

  • Relevant finance & business advice that takes the guesswork out of business decision making.

  • Small opportunities are often the beginning of great achievements.

  • Get your business structure right and minimise tax.

  • A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.

  • Helping our clients succeed – explore your potential with us.

Apply Online


Apply Online

Please ensure you complete all the questions as incomplete applications cannot be processed. 

Online Application

Personal Details

Job Information

Employment History

Provide details of previous employment, beginning with your most recent position.


General Information

Interests and Hobbies


Please review the contents of your application to ensure you have answered all the questions. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Once your application is submitted you will receive an email notifying you that is has been received. Your application will then be processed.

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